Praxis Iuris Besplatna primarna pravna pomoć i stručna praksa na Pravnom fakultetu u Rijeci

Two Student Teams in Dispute Simulation

Faculty of Law hosted a simulation of dispute between two student teams arguing medical malpractice case and family planning right infringement.

True based story and an actual case that was brought to the court and to the public was the ground for the event incorporating the argument on moral damages as a main frame.

The dispute was mentored by Damir Kontrec, Croatian Supreme Court judge providing valuable advice acquired in his longtime work experience.

The participants were previously addressed by the Dean of Faculty of Law in Rijeka Prof. Vesna Crnić-Grotić, PhD and Project Manager Assoc. Prof. Gabrijela Mihelčić, PhD. The event was facilitated by Assistant Josip Dešić.

Mr. Kontrec awarded the teams with high scores in legal argumentation and practical understanding of substantive and procedural law.